With vitriol, angst and bile worming their way around the comment boxes of many websites like an unstoppable virus, it was heartwarming then that a single story was able to rouse a chorus of positivity and support from Singapore netizens.
Differences like how to store potato chips and what cake to order for a child’s birthday may make you and your spouse quibble and even raise doubts on your relationship, but learning to deal with messes is part of married life.
Like sticking flowers onto a Styrofoam ball, relationships all come together in the end. And they will hold. As a mother of four kids — ranging from six months to 14 years old — I am building four different parent-child relationships every day, a delicate and ever-changing process. A recent incident brought this home to me. The school my two daughters go to gets fathers and daughters together every year to make something nice for mum for Mother’s Day.
Losing Patience with the Online Mob
Crunching Through Married Life
One Flower at a Time
It’s not easy being an involved father in Singapore, but times are slowly changing for the better. When I was growing up, I was told, ‘What boys can do, girls can do too!’. So I’ve always believed that men and women are equal. But as a mum, I’m realising that this may not be the case.
And no, it’s not that women are lesser than men.
What Girls Can Do, Boys Can Do Too
Talking to top designer Thomas Wee after this year’s Singapore Digital Fashion Week, Elaine Ee gets a glimpse of struggle underneath the style.
"There is No Fashion Industry in Singapore"
I don’t mean pride in a great airport, getting good maths scores or in super trees. I mean pride in what you do, taking responsibility, having integrity.