Forget Code of Conduct, Free Up Mainstream Media

There are many good journalists, writers, reporters and editors in Singapore. Yes, there are. More than it appears – both in mainstream as well as new media. Who try their very best every single day to find the good stories, to tackle the issues that concern Singaporeans and to give voice to what needs to be said.
Miak is a passionate and outspoken man. Just ordained at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California, Miak is now a pastor at Free Community Church in Singapore. ... He is also an LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) activitist and open about his own sexuality.
Singapore's First Openly Gay Pastor: Part I

Imagine this. Your boss calls you into an hour-long meeting and for that entire duration tells you everything he or she thinks is not good enough about you. At the end of that meeting, you emerge feeling terrible—discouraged, angry, sad, indignant etc.
Putting the EQ into Education

“A great city,” said Victorian British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, “is some great idea.” Rome, he continues, represents conquest; Jerusalem, faith; and Athens, art. What then does Singapore represent? What is the idea behind this burgeoning, cosmopolitan, modern city-state that is very small but always dreams big?
You know a bad relationship when you see one. The parties involved bring out the worst in each other; they blame each other; they can’t see eye to eye; pull each other in different directions; bicker, squabble, fight—and yet they cannot let go. They keep returning to each other like an addiction that can’t be shaken off; and hobble along, caught in an unhealthy knot of co-dependency.
Chan Chun Sing is an earnest man. When talking about policies, the minister speaks with an almost evangelistic zeal, launching into lengthy explanations about the complex considerations behind government decisions.
Chan Chun Sing: Writing
Singapore's Welfare Cheque
Stop Asking the PAP to Change
Singapore's New Cs